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Sabina Magnus
Sabina Magnus, Vancouver Island, Canada.heic

At the age of 20, I discovered Mother Nature's vast powers and started substituting typical Western medicine with living foods, healing herbs, and homeopathic remedies. In the most natural way available I wanted to keep myself and my loved-ones healthy. 


Soon, I discover the connection between body, mind, and spirit and that it's not mundane things that make us happy, but rather a healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude and a harmonious inner state of being.
Creating a holistic foundation for health and happiness to flourish, I  started to give more attention to the influence of our mind and emotions.


Over the years, I heard the whisper of my Soul with more clarity and found the courage to focus on my true calling.
From that time on I dedicated my lifestyle to spiritual development and personal growth, and cultivation of awareness. I followed my inner wisdom as gracefully as possible and started to share teachings on how to connect and honour one's divine essence.. 3H Teachings—universal education on how to life and enjoy a holistic, healthy and happy lifestyle— was born.  A way of living with ease and not dis-ease, joyfully and filled with compassion, love and gratitude.

After opening my "holistic counselling practice" in 2001 in Germany, I was blessed with successfully supporting hundreds of clients of almost all ages. I helped them see, understand, accept, or change their personal life stories, overcome their challenges, and transform blocking energies into supporting ones. 

My family of four and I relocated to Canada in 2005. I am delighted to announce that  I could keep walking my chosen path with more and more grace, clarity and compassion towards myself and other and continuously assist students, both back in Germany as well as many new students coming into my life

I am very grateful to have the ongoing opportunity to offer my expertise to all who are seeking a joyful, healthy, and balanced life, no matter how old you are, what your background and story are, or where you are located. 

Let Mother Nature, ancient wisdom and myself guide you on your spiritual and worldly healing journey.. 

As an ambassador of the Soul it is my humble wish to (re)-connect you with your Soul, so you may find access to all the answers you are seeking for yourself, with the help of your Self—the one with the capital "S"—your True Self! 


Educational journey

 1997    Studying the complete "Stress Management Program" according to "Three-In-One Concepts"
              with Gordon Stokes and David Whiteside

1999     Graduation of  "Three In One Stress  ~ Management Concepts". Becoming "3in1 facilitator" incl. permission to
              teach basic courses and train students in testing muscle feedback, stress release and brain integration techniques.


2000     Brain Gym Certification

2001     Touch for Health Certification

2001     Initiation in Transcendental Meditation (TM) by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 

2001     NLP Basics


2002     Spinal Work according to Dorn 


2003     Natural Nutrition Counselling Diploma (Germany)

2004     Begin studies for Naturopathic Doctor (no final exam, because of move to Canada in 2005)


2009     APM - Akupunktur Massage Therapie Certification


2009     Certification in Basic Homeopathy at the Canadian School of Homeopathy, Toronto 

2011     Begin studies at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (CSNN)

2013     Start practicing the Art of Taoist Tai Chi at Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi International Center in Mono, ON


2014     Graduate of CSNN as licensed and certified Holistic Nutritionist (R.H.N.) 

2015     Certification as Taoist Tai Chi Instructor at the Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi Center

2016.    Start Yoga Teacher Training in Toronto (Lead Teacher: Sat Dharam & Daya Kaur)

2017     Licensing and certification as  Kundalini Yoga Yoga Teacher (Level 1) according to Yogi Bhajan (KRI approved)


2019     Deepening life-long studies of Ayurveda with Jai Dev Singh, Karta Purkh Singh & Michael Tierra


2020     Continuous indepth studies of the Vedas incl. Vedanta with Dr. David Frawley

2020     Begin "Medical Intuitive" studies with Carolyn Myss 


2021    Receiving "Vedic Counsellor" Certification (Dr. David Frawley)


2021    Deepening the studies of Kundalini Yoga with various global teachers

​2021    Extended studies as "Yoga and Ayurveda Wellness Counsellor"  at American Institute of Vedic Studies


2021     Begin of ongoing in-depth studies of  the Vedas (ancient wisdom, which includes the Yoga Sutras, Upanishads
              and Bhagavad Gita and Ayurveda) with Acharya Shunya 

2021     Completion of Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Level 2 (5oo hrs) according to Yogi Bhajan
              (KRI - Kundalini Yoga Research certified and registered)

2022     Thai Massage Therapy (certified 4 months study at Thai Healing Massage Academy, Chiang Mai, Thailand.


2023     Receiving "Yoga and Ayurveda Wellness Consultant" certification (Dr. David Frawlay)  

2023     Beginn of the lifelong study of Jyotish Astrology 

Member of the Yoga Alliance since 01/20/2017
Registry ID 213219
Graduate of the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition
licensed as R.H.N.  
Registry  ID 555913 CSNNA
CSNN logo.jpeg


I aim to get you in touch with Mother Nature as the ultimate teacher and your inner wisdom—the teacher within.
Through 3H Teachings, you will learn to live a fulfilled, happy, and healthy life and stay in tune with your True Self.

Working with numerous clients of almost every age over the last 20+ years has shown me that true and long-lasting health and happiness can only be achieved through connecting with your Soul and Mother Nature to keep your self-healing energies active and flowing.

Unfortunately, we are often just too busy, distracted, confused, insecure, worried, overwhelmed, absorbed by self-pity, or ignorant to notice and follow the voice (often a whisper that stays unnoticed) of our Soul.

Through Vedic counselling, Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation, and other wellness-improving lifestyle choices, you will re-connect with your body and the energy it originates.

In a surprisingly short time, you will be able to achieve and maintain good mental and bodily health, ease chronic pain, and gain more flexibility in your body and mind to live a fulfilling and enjoyable life.

I am looking forward to meeting you for your Transformational Consultation Session. (The first 15 minutes are FREE.)

My work philosophy 


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1-604-499 YOGA (9642)


Currently serving the Sunshine Coast, primarily Powell River 
Vancouver Island, mainly the Comox Valley

in British Columbia, Canada


The content of this webpage and any services offered by Sabina Magnus are not meant to treat disease or substitute for the advice of a medical practitioner. The information presented is solely educational with the intention to improve wellbeing.

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