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I am so glad the universe united us, you have a heart of an angel.

Elizabeth, UK



Dear Sabina!
I can't find the most necessary and beautiful words to tell you what a beautiful and glowing girl you are! When I was with you.. my soul felt grace, my heart was overflowing with love.. if the world was full of people like you, it would be perfect! I thank the creator for our meeting! It was definitely a sign of how important all the tools you told me about are to us!
In the morning.. I was again drawn to go out early into nature and take a walk .. listen to Mother nature.. it was your call .. thank you endlessly for your generosity and love!

T. D., Russia


Dear Sabina,

I write this letter to you from a place of Love, Peace and Joy!

For several years I have been in the grips of depression, at times so crushing that I have been hospitalized. I talked with many doctors and therapists. I took pills, lotions and potions, exercised and walked my dog. Slowly, slowly I felt just good enough to work again, but I knew in my heart that I just wasn’t better. I was pulling it off but I wasn’t enjoying my life.

By some miracle back in September of last year, I came across the website offering Kundalini classes, with a brief description of this type of yoga. Always being open to trying anything that might help me to feel better, I attended. I had no idea that this experience would lead me to this moment, of writing this letter and sharing my story. 

After one class, I was hooked! Sabine, you helped me to see that if I committed to doing this practice every day for 40 days, it would change my life for the better and I tell you that it absolutely DID! After that initial 40 days, I felt like a new person. I have more energy, focus, motivation and drive. The light that I thought had gone out in my eyes, was now back and shining brighter than ever! Ever since that first Kundalini class in September, I have been practicing daily and continue to feel amazing.

I am now motivated to change my life in other ways, including losing the weight from years of emotional eating, as another wonderful benefit of Kundalini Yoga is that is stops cravings! I can happily tell you today that this practice has literally saved my life!

Sabine, if through this letter we can convince even one other person to commit to this practice to change their own life, I feel that we have succeeded. I thank you again with gratitude for being a great teacher and a great friend.

Many Blessings to you my friend,
Sat Nam

Marylin Penny, Orangeville, ON


I loved the enthusiasm of the workshop. Very amazing energy!
Thank you! 


Big love, Rae, Courtenay, BC


Sabina Magnus war für mich ein Schlüssel!! Ein Schlüssel zu einer neuen Türe und ich bin so dankbar das mein Weg mich zu ihr geführt hat. Ein wunderbarer, liebevoller Mensch mit unglaublicher Empathie unterstützt mich in meinem Leben und das kann ich wärmstens weiter empfehlen.Danke liebe Sabine, dass es Dich gibt!

Christina Maoro, Germany


Since I started Yoga I have been to 10 different classes with different teachers, but you are the best teacher I met! In my one on one I learned more about yoga and my body than ever before. I finally know how, why I should keep up practicing yoga and how to do those poses correctly!

C.H. Toronto, ON


Vielen lieben Dank, meine liebe Sabina!

Für alles was ich mit dir und von dir lernen durfte.

Du bist eine wahnsinnig tolle, starke und liebenswerte Frau.

Du strahlst eine positive Energie aus, die jeder spüren kann.


Ich selbst arbeite schon einige Zeit mit Sabina Magnus zusammen.

Als ganzheitliche Lebensberaterin kann sie mir neue Impulse geben, die mir oft einen komplett neuen Blickwinkel zeigen, um meinen Horizont zu erweitern und ich mich daher immer weiter entwickeln kann.


Unser gemeinsamer Yoga Workshop im Oktober war eine große Bereicherung für mich. Ich durfte viel Neues über das Kundalini Yoga, über das Leben und mich lernen. Die kraftvolle Energie wirkte noch viele Tag nach.


Sabine, ich bin sehr dankbar, so einen tollen Menschen in meinem Leben zu haben.




Deine Ramona Breitsameter, Germany


Sabina made my first yoga experience very comfortable. Her knowledge and easy-going manner made we want to come back for more! 

Liz D, Mono, ON


You've provided me with a new spiritual goal and that is to attempt to meditate, as I now know what it feels like to do so. Thank you. 

N.D. Niagara, ON


I am extremely grateful for your guidance! 

Liz, Orangeville, ON


My dear Sabina,

As you know, I deal with many medical challenges everyday; vertigo, arthritis, migraines, just to name a few.......

With your help, I've learned to use Kundalini to manage them as much as possible.

One of the biggest challenges I face from time to time is depression. I've battled it for many years and in the last while, I've been able to deal with it without the usual medication.

Sabine, I hope you know how much I appreciate you and everything you have done for me! 

I will stay in touch!
With much love and respect, 

I.C. Orangeville, BC


Hello Sabina!

Thank you for the kind words. Liz seems to be loving practicing yoga with you. She is even more beautiful now then she was 2 months ago!! I hope she keeps it up she seems to really like it and I know it is nothing but positive for her. I am not in yoga and I must get back to the gym I have not gone for a while now. Well thanks for introducing yoga into Liz's life and good luck out west and in the future.

Take care,

Rob (husband of a yogini), Orangeville, ON


Liebe Sabina,


auf diesem Wege ein wahnsinnig herzliches Dankeschön an dich und deinen Einsatz um meine Seelenheil. Ohne dich wäre vieles nicht mögliches gewesen. Danke für die Stärke die du mir wieder gebracht hast und das du so fest an mich geglaubt hast! Ich wünsche dir wo auch immer du gerade bist von Herzen ein wunderschönes und erfülltes 2016!

A.K., Munich, Germany


Sabina is a wonderful, joyful and inspiring yoga instructor.

Andrea, Mono, ON


An evening with Sabina and her 3 H Teachings 3 H helps to connect with your inner space.
Lovely way to spend the evening. Thank you, Sabina!

S.H., Mono, ON


Really enjoyed the 101 introductory class with Sabina.

Will definitely be back! 

B.M., Comox, BC


Sabina Magnus is a one of a kind woman and fantastic teacher.
Being new to Yoga I did not know what to expect, however Sabina's wonderful attitude made me feel totally comfortable. She is very motivating, patient and has a great way to explain the meaning behind every pose and mantra. It was a fun class and I am looking forward to the next one! 
I would recommend Sabina to anyone, new or experienced!

Larissa S., Berlin, Germany


Thank you very much, had a great afternoon! 
I look forward into looking more of my dosha. I really enjoyed the two of you working as a team. 
Looking forward to more in the future! 


"Thanks for all your dedicated and loving teaching..... I can see you are a great help to many people,
bless you!"



Dear Sabine,


Following our integration workshop. 


The joy experienced following our little gathering is beyond words. There is a peace brought to my heart from the opportunity to connect. People sit and share our inner truth, the good, the bad and the ugly and finding the beautiful. It reflects my love for flaws, for shared experience, for walking this journey in life and learning we all journey together. 


It teaches me to connect, open my heart and shine my light even when my mind creates the illusion I am unworthy, time shared supports the creation of understanding we are all worthy. 


I love the ease of the workshop, without pressure to do anything but arrive and receive. where personal beliefs and limitations are shifted, where potential is endless. 


It is a wonderful safe and warm space even when we feel cold

It is a spectacular experience even when we shy away 

It is a wonderous expression even when we are silent 

It is a place that welcomes all, even when we feel we have nothing to bring

It is an opportunity to connect, even when we feel disconnected


It is a space that grows within, to know we are imperfect

It is a space that teaches, we learn in sharing

it is a space to face weaknesses and honor them 

it is a space to creates a shift to honor our soul


It is a space for everyone free of judgement 

it is a space that requires nothing special, but special is how I feel with thee. 


Thank you, for creating a space beyond age, distance and time. 

Thank you , for creating an opportunity for new

Thank you , for never expecting more than what we can do

Thank you, for holding space, reflecting all we can do

Thank you, for being you   .





I have done Kundalini Yoga with Sabina for about a year. Yoga has had a huge impact on my whole life; body, mind and soul.

Physically, my breathing has improved and I can now breathe more easily through my nose and I snore much less at night. My hips which have been stiff for several years are much looser and no longer ache. Overall I am physically more limber.

My mind is calmer and more content in my journey to understand my True Self.

Sabina is an amazing motivator. She uses humour to encourage . She is passionate about teaching yoga as a tool to help people let go of stress and negative emotions. Sabine is truly an Ambassador of the Soul.

Marilyn, Comox, BC


Everything you could want from a yoga teacher and class. Powerful, inspiring, strong, clear, driven, respected. Excellent for newbies and intermediate alike- how does she do it?
By giving you the experience you're looking for!!

Bob, Abbotsford, BC


I would highly recommend classes with Sabina! It was my first time doing this type of yoga and meditation. I was surprised at how much of a workout it was! She is very knowledgeable and you can tell that she puts her heart and soul into what she does and how much she cares for everyone in her class. She suggests alternatives for those of us first timers who can't quite get into the required positions, without making us feel embarrassed. Sabine is kind, positive and uplifting, and I feel she connects with people on a deep level. Please go see her!

Liisa, Abbotsford, BC


Sabine Sunshine 

Du bist ein Geschenk für die Welt !!

Man spürt es schon ab dem ersten Moment... deine positive Energie!

Du bereicherst das Leben allein durch deine wunderbare, herzliche und direkte Art Menschen gegenüber zu treten. 

Mit dir zu arbeiten ist spitze ! Zwar nicht immer leicht, aber wer will schon immer in der Komfortzone bleiben?!

Ich kann es jedem, der an sich wachsen möchte, nur von Herzen empfehlen!

Moni, Toedtenried, Germany


Well what can I say. I never thought in a million years that I would ever want to try yoga. However after listening to Sabine Shulte I decided to try a personal one on one session.i must say that I found Sabine to be very Patient, and truly very intuitive regarding my needs! She taught me so much in that session regarding safe stretching and breathing techniques.

I highly recommend to anyone who is doubtful as I was to give Sabine Shulte at 3H teachings a try! You will be glad that you did!

Robert, 100 Mile House, BC


There are just no words to describe the transformational impact that Sabina and Kundalini yoga has had in my life. I found Kundalini, purely through Divine guidance as I felt a push to go explore what this form of yoga was. My google search landed me on Sabina's business page, and after meeting her in person, experiencing her wonderful, calm, peaceful aura - I knew this was where I needed to be. I walked in her door knowing nothing about Kundalini, having a throat chakra fully blocked, not being able to place my palms up to receive, and ready to jump up and run as I was in fight or flight mood. This July I celebrate 2 years of practice with Sabine. My throat & heart chakras are wide open, I'm instantly connected with my higher self during practice, and I carry such a sense of peace with me. Kundalini has transformed my life, reminded me of the gift of breathe, the universal connection as we are all one, and continues to push me further into discovering my true I AM. Sabine has an amazing gift of knowing exactly what each of her students need, and her love of teaching pulses out through her aura. She is that calm in the storms of life, and I am forever grateful!

Lisa R., Courtenay, BC




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1-604-499 YOGA (9642)


Currently serving the Sunshine Coast, Powell River, 
Vancouver Island, Comox Valley,

British Columbia, Canada


The content of this webpage and any services offered by Sabina Magnus are not meant to treat disease or substitute for the advice of a medical practitioner. The information presented is solely educational with the intention of improving wellbeing.

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