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The way I practice and teach yoga is quite traditional!

I see yoga as a 24/7 practice to keep the trinity of Body, Mind and Spirit well balanced!   

I am not interested how much time you spend on your yoga mat or demonstrating an asana (yoga posture) perfectly.
Nor am I impressed for how long and how often you meditate. I
t does not matter to me how many Pranayama (energizing breathing techniques) you have mastered. 
Do't' get get me wrong, Asanas and Pranayama are excellent tools. But what interests me, is what Mantra is running in your mind, and therefore vibrating in your entire body and energy system,  
We all run mantras all day long. Examples could be: I can't do that! I am not good enough! I am blessed! I live in abundance!

The correct use of the right Mantra is the most important tool Yoga has to offer! 

I wish for you that a transformative mantra (e.g OM, SAT NAM, SHREEM)  is part of your Sadhana (daily spiritual yoga practice) to purify your mind, gain liberation and help you to experience
who you truly are!

Self-Realization and Oneness with the higher consciousness is the ultimate goal of yoga!




I am very fond of Kundalini Yoga, which often is referred to as “Yoga of Awareness”.
Awareness is the active interaction of your finite identity (ego) with the infinite potential identity (higher consciousness).

Kundalini Yoga is the supreme technology to awake that awareness and take you into your original Self.  

Its unique style combines yoga postures (asanas), breathing techniques  (pranayama), finger postures (mudras), body locks (bandhas),  eye focus (3rd Eye Activation) and sound energy (mantras). 

Kundalini Yoga asks for physical and meditative discipline, which can transform your emotions, harness your busy mind and uplift your spirit way faster than any other yoga practice!

Kundalini (sanskrit word for: “coiled up” like a snake) refers to the energy that lays (in every human being) dormant at the base of the spine. Through the practice of Kundalini yoga, this energy raises and travels up the spine, through all the chakras, while creating an overall sense of well being and a heightened sense of awareness.

"Kundalini Yoga is not a religion. Religions come out of it. 
Kundalini Yoga is not a fad, and it's not a cult. 
It's a practice of experience of a person's own excellence, 
which is dormant and which is awakened."

                                               Yogi Bhajan, 7/26/96

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