Tuning In Before Your Kundalini Yoga Practice as taught by Yogi Bhajan
The below text is given by the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) for educational purposes.
"Whenever you chant Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo, through the grace and blessing
of Guru Ram Das, Bhagvati, the creative power of the universe, God, the Ultimate, the Infinite, dwells in you as a yogi , and that is what you teach. Concentrate on the Heavens when you chant it. See what a difference it makes."
- Yogi Bhajan, Kundalini Rising! Spring 1994
This mantra is chanted three times before every Kundalini Yoga practice.
Tuning in with the Adi Mantra brings us to an open space of receptivity, centers us in the moment, calls upon the Divine Teacher within, and connects us to the Golden Chain of Teachers who came before us. It is a beautiful way to prepare for your yoga practice - and reminds us that all the wisdom that we need is available to us at any moment.
People often ask what is meant by the Golden Chain. This concept can be described in many ways, but essentially the Golden chain is the wisdom that has been passed down by all of the teachers who came before us.
By chanting the Adi Mantra, we are connecting to the infinite wisdom of the Universe - including the wisdom that resides within each one of us. Tuning in allows us to become open and receptive to that wisdom and to the subtle messages from our higher consciousness.
The Golden Chain is like a flame being lit from person to person to person. As the flame is passed on, the energy from the original flame lives on, from each teacher to their student, to their student’s student, and onward and onward. When you chant this mantra, you are linking into that eternal flame and igniting your inner teacher and inner guidance to unite with the teachings that go back through the ages.
Chanting the AdiMantra heightens your sensitivity and receptivity to allow your intuition to tap into the ancestral knowledge of this chain.
Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo
Ong Namo: I bow to the subtle divine wisdom Guru Dev Namo: I bow to the divine teacher within.
Instructions: Start by sitting in easy pose with a straight spine. Take a few nice deep breaths, becoming present for your practice. Bring your hands into prayer pose at the heart center, thumbs pressed into the sternum. Close your eyes, and focus your attention at the Brow Point. Inhale deeply, and chant the mantra in one long breath as you exhale. Chant in a monotone, except for the word “dev”, which is chanted a minor third higher than the rest of the words.
Ong: The word Ong is a variation of the word Om . Om refers to God in the Absolute, or unmanifested state. Ong refers to the infinite creative aspect of God, or God as the Creator. When you chant Ong, the ‘ng’ sound is emphasized, and is created in the upper chamber of the sinuses, like a conch. The mouth remains open, increasing the resonance of the sound.
Namo: The word Namo means to call upon, or to bow with deep reverence and receptivity. When you chant Namo , the ‘oh’ sound is held much longer than ‘Nam’.
“Ong Namo calls on your consciousness to become subtle and receptive to its higher resources. It instructs the conscious and the subconscious to let go of the normal restrictions to functioning that is imposed by the limited ego.” (The Aquarian Teacher, page 78)
Guru: The word Guru refers to a source of knowledge that relieves pain and increases awareness. When broken down, Gu = ignorance or darkness. Ru = light or knowledge. Guru is that which brings us from darkness to lightness. When you chant Guru, Gu sounds a little bit like the word good . The second syllable, ru , rhymes with the word true .
Dev: The word Dev refers to the the subtle, etheric realms of God, where wisdom and sophistication live. Remember, Dev is chanted a minor third higher than the rest of the words.
Guru dev namo calls upon the subtle wisdom that is stored and carried through the subtle and radiant bodies of the aura.
*Yogi Tip: Sometimes, you will see people chanting this mantra in two distinct breaths. This is not how it was taught by Yogi Bhajan. Please do your best to chant this mantra in a single breath. If you MUST take in a little air after chanting ‘Ong Namo’ do not take in a full inhale because you will change the rhythm of the mantra.
The Mangala Charn Mantra (Optional)
You may also choose to chant the Mangala Charn mantra three times after tuning in with the Adi mantra. This is a mantra to call upon the protective energy of the Universe, and is a great way to invoke extra protection during your practice.
Aad Guray Nameh Jugaad Guray Nameh Sat Guray Nameh Siri Guru Devay Namah
I bow to the primal Guru
I bow to the truth that has existed throughout the ages I bow to True Wisdom
I bow to the Great Divine Wisdom
Preparing yourself for class properly is fundamental and will make all the difference how deep and effective your yoga practice will be!
So take your time to settle in and setting your intention for the class to come!
Have joy in your heart, a smile on your face and enjoy your class and the time you dwell in the presence of the Divine!

Closing a class with "May the Long Time Sun Shine Upon You" is also optional and mainly in memory to Yogi Bhajan, who did fall in love with this Irish Folk song and used to finish his classes with this prayer!
It was originally written by Mike Heron from the Incredible String Band.